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Supporting community translation of lung cancer screening: A web-based decision aid to support informed decision making.
Transl Behav Med
Studts JL, Thurer RS, Studts CR, Byrne MM.
PMID: 39817729 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Prevalence of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in Canada during the COVID-19 pandemic: results from the Survey on COVID-19 and Mental Health.
Health Promot Chronic Dis Prev Can
Weeks M, Marion D, Robert AM, Carleton RN.
PMID: 39817709 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Sleep and breathing in children with Joubert syndrome and a review of other rare congenital hindbrain malformations.
Ther Adv Respir Dis
Ju-Wang JD, Dempsey JC, Zhang C, Doherty D, Witmans M, Tablizo MA, Chen ML.
PMID: 39817683 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Automatic machine learning accurately predicts the efficacy of immunotherapy for patients with inoperable advanced non-small cell lung cancer using a computed tomography-based radiomics model.
Diagn Interv Radiol
Lin S, Ma Z, Yao Y, Huang H, Chen W, Tang D, Gao W.
PMID: 39817633 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

Defining the Critical Requisites for Accurate Simulation of SARS-CoV-2 Viral Dynamics: Patient Characteristics and Data Collection Protocol.
J Med Virol
Chua HK, Singh A, Wang Y, Goh YS, Chan CEZ, Chavatte JM, Lin RVTP, Su YCF, Ajelli M, Chia PY, Ong SWX, Lye DC, Young BE, Ejima K.
PMID: 39817600 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Longitudinal Follow-Up of the Specific Antibody Response to SARS-CoV-2 Vaccination in Colombia.
J Med Virol
Arévalo-Herrera M, Rincón-Orozco B, González-Escobar JM, Herrera-Arévalo SM, Carrasquilla-Agudelo E, Serna-Ortega PA, Quiceno-García S, Palacio-Muñoz N, Rosero-López B, Mondol-Miranda E, Freyle-Roman I, Mendoza-Landinez B, Mora-Guevara E, Santos-Barbosa JC, Bohórquez-Martínez F, Bolaños-Cristancho N, Jiménez-Serna M, Nieto-Rojas MA, Suarez-Zamora D, Quintero-Espinosa J, Londoño-Trujillo D, Herrera-Valencia S.
PMID: 39817585 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Dual test gas pulmonary diffusing capacity in patients with idiopathic scoliosis 40 years after diagnosis.
Exp Physiol
Thomsen RS, Mohammad M, Ragborg LC, Dragsted C, Ohrt-Nissen S, Gehrchen M, Dahl B, Berg RMG, Mortensen J.
PMID: 39817499 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

Patterns and trends in burden of asthma and its attributable risk factors from 1990 to 2021 among south Asian countries: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021.
J Asthma
Akashanand A, Khatib MN, Balaraman AK, R R, Kaur M, Srivastava M, Barwal A, Prasad GVS, Rajput P, Vishwakarma T, Puri S, Tyagi P, Bushi G, Chilakam N, Pandey S, Jagga M, Mehta R, Sah S, Shabil M, M Gaidhane A, Jena D.
PMID: 39817407 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

Machine Learning Models For Preventative Mobile Health Asthma Control.
J Asthma
Wong A.
PMID: 39817404 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

Novel Strategies for the Treatment of Lung Cancer: An In-depth Analysis of the Use of Immunotherapy, Precision Medicine, and Artificial Intelligence to Improve Prognoses.
Curr Med Chem
Kedar P, Bhattacharya S, Kanugo A, Prajapati BG.
PMID: 39817387 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

Experimental Evidence of the Benefits of Acupuncture/Electroacupuncture for Acute Lung Injury/ Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome: A Literature Review of Rodent Studies.
Curr Mol Med
Zeng L, Yan J.
PMID: 39817373 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

Prolonged Preservation of up to 24h at 10°C does not Impact Outcomes after Lung Transplantation.
Ann Surg
Hoetzenecker K, Ali A, Campo-Cañaveral de la Cruz J, Schwarz S, Crowley Carrasco S, Romero Roman A, Aladaileh M, Benazzo A, Jaksch P, Wakeam E, Aversa M, Keshavjee S, Cypel M.
PMID: 39817344 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

Three-Dimensional Electrical Impedance Imaging During Spontaneous Breathing Trials in Patients With Acute Hypoxic Respiratory Failure: A Pilot Study.
Crit Care Explor
Barbosa da Rosa N Jr, Kao TJ, Brinton J, Offner PJ, Burnham EL, Mueller JL.
PMID: 39817148 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Interventions and implementation considerations for reducing pre-treatment loss to follow-up in adults with pulmonary tuberculosis: A scoping review.
Mulaku M, Owino EJ, Ochodo E, Young T.
PMID: 39816981 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Echocardiography of the right heart in pulmonary arterial hypertension: insights from the ULTRA RIGHT VALUE study.
Eur Heart J Imaging Methods Pract
Lo Giudice F, Escribano-Subias P, Tello K, Kopec G, Ghio S, Giannakoulas G, D'Alto M, Filomena D, Manzi G, Orlando A, Greco A, Recchioni T, Yildiz S, López-Guarch CJ, Cruz-Utrilla A, Psochias P, Patsiou V, St, Jonas K, Scelsi L, Kremer N, Vergara A, Vizza CD, Naeije R, Badagliacca R.
PMID: 39816928 [PubMed]

A lifestyle educational course as an adjunct to biologic administration in patients with severe asthma: A feasibility study.
PEC Innov
Lanario JW, Davies D, Cartwright L, Hyland ME, Masoli M.
PMID: 39816726 [PubMed]

Classification of Severity of Lung Parenchyma Using Saliency and Discrete Cosine Transform Energy in Computed Tomography of Patients With COVID-19.
Int J Telemed Appl
Tello-Mijares S, Flores F, Woo F.
PMID: 39816708 [PubMed]

Meconium Influences Pulmonary Short-Chain Fatty Acid Concentration in Porcine Meconium Aspiration Model.
Biomed Hub
Ramcharran H, Ghosh A, Meng Q, Li G, Chernov ES, Lutz M, Mansour HM, Satalin J, Satalin S, Gaver DP, Bates JHT, Nieman G, Kollisch-Singule M.
PMID: 39816637 [PubMed]

Radiomic signatures of brain metastases on MRI: utility in predicting pathological subtypes of lung cancer.
Transl Cancer Res
Sun L, Luan S, Yu L, Zhu H, Dong H, Liu X, Tao G, He P, Li Q, Chen W, Yu Z, Yu H, Zhu L.
PMID: 39816566 [PubMed]

Diagnostic accuracy of folate receptor-positive circulating tumor cells in differentiating between benign and malignant pulmonary nodules.
Transl Cancer Res
Wu GF, Chen RC, Luo J, Li MT, Yu P, Shen PX, Luo JY, Qin YY.
PMID: 39816533 [PubMed]

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