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CRISPR/Cas9-mediated genomic insertion of functional genes into Lactiplantibacillus plantarum WCFS1.
Microbiol Spectr
Wiull K, Haugen LK, Eijsink VGH, Mathiesen G.
PMID: 39817779 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

Vaccination against SARS-CoV-2 provides low-level cross-protection against common cold coronaviruses in mouse and non-human primate animal models.
J Virol
Naghibosadat M, Babuadze GG, Pei Y, Hurst J, Salvant E, Gaete K, Biondi M, Moloo B, Goldstein A, Avery S, Ma K, Pietraszek A, Wootton SK, Alhaboub A, Martin B, Mubareka S, Corredor J, Sultana A, Adeekoa A, Budylowski P, Ostrowski M, Chao J, Nagy E, Kozak R.
PMID: 39817773 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

Correction for Li et al., "SARS-CoV-2 SUD2 and Nsp5 Conspire to Boost Apoptosis of Respiratory Epithelial Cells via an Augmented Interaction with the G-Quadruplex of BclII".
Li Y, Yu Q, Huang R, Chen H, Ren H, Ma L, He Y, Li W.
PMID: 39817765 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

Prevalence of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in Canada during the COVID-19 pandemic: results from the Survey on COVID-19 and Mental Health.
Health Promot Chronic Dis Prev Can
Weeks M, Marion D, Robert AM, Carleton RN.
PMID: 39817709 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Defining the Critical Requisites for Accurate Simulation of SARS-CoV-2 Viral Dynamics: Patient Characteristics and Data Collection Protocol.
J Med Virol
Chua HK, Singh A, Wang Y, Goh YS, Chan CEZ, Chavatte JM, Lin RVTP, Su YCF, Ajelli M, Chia PY, Ong SWX, Lye DC, Young BE, Ejima K.
PMID: 39817600 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Longitudinal Follow-Up of the Specific Antibody Response to SARS-CoV-2 Vaccination in Colombia.
J Med Virol
Arévalo-Herrera M, Rincón-Orozco B, González-Escobar JM, Herrera-Arévalo SM, Carrasquilla-Agudelo E, Serna-Ortega PA, Quiceno-García S, Palacio-Muñoz N, Rosero-López B, Mondol-Miranda E, Freyle-Roman I, Mendoza-Landinez B, Mora-Guevara E, Santos-Barbosa JC, Bohórquez-Martínez F, Bolaños-Cristancho N, Jiménez-Serna M, Nieto-Rojas MA, Suarez-Zamora D, Quintero-Espinosa J, Londoño-Trujillo D, Herrera-Valencia S.
PMID: 39817585 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Facilitators and Barriers to COVID-19 Vaccine Uptake Among Meat Processing Workers in Nebraska: A Mixed-Methods Analysis Using the COM-B Model.
Health Promot Pract
Ramos AK, Prado PS, Carvajal-Suárez M, Herstein JJ, Trinidad N, Lowe AE.
PMID: 39817319 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

Unverified medical certifications surge amid telemedicine guideline ambiguities.
Indian J Med Ethics
Dabhi D, Singi Y, Nagar N.
PMID: 39817299 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Articles' retraction during the pandemic: COVID-19 is not the pacemaker.
Ann Transl Med
Lippi G, Mattiuzzi C.
PMID: 39817239 [PubMed]

Rapid and automated interpretation of CRISPR-Cas13-based lateral flow assay test results using machine learning.
Sens Diagn
Xue M, Gonzalez DH, Osikpa E, Gao X, Lillehoj PB.
PMID: 39817182 [PubMed]

Immunomodulatory properties of Leishmania tarentolae extracellular vesicles containing the Spike protein of SARS-CoV-2.
Front Parasitol
Medina AC, Acevedo Ospina H, Descoteaux A.
PMID: 39817166 [PubMed]

Insights from immunomics and metabolomics on the associations between prostatic diseases and coronavirus disease 2019.
Prostate Int
Yang F, Guo P, Wang K, Zhang X, Hu Z, Lou Q, Ge Q, Chen Y, Liang C, Meng J.
PMID: 39816935 [PubMed]

Thiol-Reactive or Redox-Active: Revising a Repurposing Screen Led to a New Invalidation Pipeline and Identified a True Noncovalent Inhibitor Against Papain-like Protease from SARS-CoV-2.
ACS Pharmacol Transl Sci
Kuzikov M, Morasso S, Reinshagen J, Wolf M, Monaco V, Cozzolino F, Goli, , Plavec J, Iaconis D, Summa V, Corona A, Paulis A, Esposito F, Tramontano E, Monti M, Beccari AR, Manelfi C, Windshügel B, Gribbon P, Storici P, Zaliani A.
PMID: 39816795 [PubMed]

Classification of Severity of Lung Parenchyma Using Saliency and Discrete Cosine Transform Energy in Computed Tomography of Patients With COVID-19.
Int J Telemed Appl
Tello-Mijares S, Flores F, Woo F.
PMID: 39816708 [PubMed]

Role of gamma irradiation and disaccharide trehalose to induce immune responses in Syrian hamster model against Iranian SARS-CoV-2 virus isolate.
Vet Res Forum
Motamedi-Sedeh F, Khorasani A, Lotfi M, Moosavi SM, Arbabi A, Hosseini SM.
PMID: 39816636 [PubMed]

Expression, purification and immunogenicity analyses of receptor binding domain protein of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 from delta variant.
Vet Res Forum
Liu L, Chen H, Liu P, Ke X, Song J, Fang Y, Kong L, Xin X.
PMID: 39816631 [PubMed]

Revisiting the potential of natural antimicrobial peptides against emerging respiratory viral disease: a review.
3 Biotech
Kiran NS, Singh S, Yashaswini C, Prajapati BG.
PMID: 39816617 [PubMed]

Insights into Omicron: Genomic Characterization and Inpatient Risk Assessment at Single Tertiary Hospital in Indonesia.
J Multidiscip Healthc
Turbawaty DK, Komala DR, Andriyoko B.
PMID: 39816439 [PubMed]

Bioinformatics and molecular biology tools for diagnosis, prevention, treatment and prognosis of COVID-19.
Meira DD, Zetum ASS, Casotti MC, Campos da Silva DR, de Araújo BC, Vicente CR, Duque DA, Campanharo BP, Garcia FM, Campanharo CV, Aguiar CC, Lapa CA, Alvarenga FDS, Rosa HP, Merigueti LP, Sant'Ana MC, Koh CWT, Braga RFR, Cruz RGCD, Salazar RE, Ventorim VDP, Santana GM, Louro TES, Louro LS, Errera FIV, Paula F, Altoé LSC, Alves LNR, Trabach RSDR, Santos EVWD, Carvalho EF, Chan KR, Louro ID.
PMID: 39816364 [PubMed]

Successful Sequential Treatment From Remdesivir to Molnupiravir for Prolonged COVID-19 in a Patient With Follicular Lymphoma and Renal Pelvic Carcinoma: A Case Report.
Satoh T, Akata K, Yamasaki K, Tsuruta A, Yatera K.
PMID: 39816292 [PubMed]

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