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Fifth World Congress of Sports Physical Therapy Scientific Abstracts.
Int J Sports Phys Ther
International Federation of Sports Physical Therapy, NFFs Faggruppe for Idrettsfysioterapi og Aktivitetsmedisin, International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy.
PMID: 39280105 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

Genetic rescue often leads to higher fitness as a result of increased heterozygosity across animal taxa.
Mol Ecol
Clarke JG, Smith AC, Cullingham CI.
PMID: 39279498 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

Ameliorated cellular hallmarks of myotonic dystrophy in hybrid myotubes from patient and unaffected donor cells.
Stem Cell Res Ther
Raaijmakers RHL, Ausems CRM, Willemse M, Cumming SA, van Engelen BGM, Monckton DG, van Bokhoven H, Wansink DG.
PMID: 39278936 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Knockdown of OLFM4 protects cardiomyocytes from sepsis by inhibiting apoptosis and inflammatory responses.
Allergol Immunopathol (Madr)
Chen H, Liu S, Fang G.
PMID: 39278846 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

A Uniform Approach for Advancing Athlete Assessment: A Tutorial on the Lens Model.
Psychol Sport Exerc
Peringa IP, Niessen ASM, Meijer RR, den Hartigh RJR.
PMID: 39278579 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

Can the outlier percentiles from norms increase the sensitivity of the ECG criteria for screening athletes?
Prog Cardiovasc Dis
Tso JV, Montalvo S, Christle J, Froelicher V.
PMID: 39278304 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

The correlates of environmental initiatives in sports organizations with climate change attitudes and subjective well-being.
J Public Health (Oxf)
Kraft C, Bühren C, Wicker P.
PMID: 39277804 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

Physical Activity and Excess Body Weight and Adiposity for Adults. American College of Sports Medicine Consensus Statement.
Med Sci Sports Exerc
Jakicic JM, Apovian CM, Barr-Anderson DJ, Courcoulas AP, Donnelly JE, Ekkekakis P, Hopkins M, Lambert EV, Napolitano MA, Volpe SL.
PMID: 39277776 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Relationship between paraspinal muscle morphology and function in different directions in a healthy Chinese population at different ages: a cross-sectional study.
BMC Musculoskelet Disord
Liu Y, Yuan L, Zeng Y, Ni J.
PMID: 39277728 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Age-related histone H3.3 accumulation associates with a repressive chromatin in mouse tibialis anterior muscle.
J Physiol Sci
Masuzawa R, Rosa Flete HK, Shimizu J, Kawano F.
PMID: 39277714 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

The effect of sports expertise on the performance of orienteering athletes' real scene image recognition and their visual search characteristics.
Sci Rep
Guo L, Liu Y, Kan C.
PMID: 39277647 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Overactive mitochondrial DNA replication disrupts perinatal cardiac maturation.
Nat Commun
Landoni JC, Erkul S, Laalo T, Goffart S, Kivelä R, Skube K, Nieminen AI, Wickström SA, Stewart J, Suomalainen A.
PMID: 39277581 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Teosinte populations exhibit weak local adaptation to their rhizosphere biota despite strong effects of biota source on teosinte fitness and traits.
O'Brien AM, Sawers RJH, Gasca-Pineda J, Baxter I, Eguiarte LE, Ross-Ibarra J, Strauss SY.
PMID: 39277541 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

Identification and analysis of JHBP/TO family genes and their roles in the reproductive fitness cost of resistance in Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande).
Pestic Biochem Physiol
Qian K, Wan Y, Yuan J, Tang Y, Zheng X, Wang J, Cao H, Zhang Y, Chen S, Zhang Y, Wu Q.
PMID: 39277374 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Female Orthopaedic Surgeons Are Less Represented as Head Team Physicians in Collegiate Athletic Programs.
French OR, Hartman H, Terle PM, Rumps MV, Mulcahey MK.
PMID: 39276948 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

Intercellular nanotube-mediated mitochondrial transfer enhances T cell metabolic fitness and antitumor efficacy.
Baldwin JG, Heuser-Loy C, Saha T, Schelker RC, Slavkovic-Lukic D, Strieder N, Hernandez-Lopez I, Rana N, Barden M, Mastrogiovanni F, Martín-Santos A, Raimondi A, Brohawn P, Higgs BW, Gebhard C, Kapoor V, Telford WG, Gautam S, Xydia M, Beckhove P, Frischholz S, Schober K, Kontarakis Z, Corn JE, Iannacone M, Inverso D, Rehli M, Fioravanti J, Sengupta S, Gattinoni L.
PMID: 39276774 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

The role of Italian pre-participation screening in early detection of cardiomyopathies: what is the meaning of T wave inversion in young athletes?
Cardiol Young
Tranchita E, Cafiero G, Giordano U, Gentili F, Turchetta A, Cantarutti N, Cicenia M, Battipaglia I, Di Mambro C, Baban A, Secinaro A, Drago F.
PMID: 39268643 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

Gene doping in horse racing and equine sports: Current landscape and future perspectives.
Equine Vet J
Puchalska M, Witkowska-Pi.
PMID: 39267222 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

The Sensational ACL.
Am J Sports Med
Fleming BC.
PMID: 39276121 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Sex Differences in Strength During Development: Implications for Inclusivity and Fairness in Sport.
Am J Hum Biol
Loenneke JP, Abe A, Yamasaki S, Tahara R, Abe T.
PMID: 39275866 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

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