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Body Composition at Diagnosis and Early Response in Pediatric Hodgkin Lymphoma.
Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev
Wadhwa A, Dai C, Kessel S, Richman JS, Shen W, Kahn JM, Castellino SM, Kelly KM, Friedman DL, Bhatia S.
PMID: 39817816 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

Sleep and breathing in children with Joubert syndrome and a review of other rare congenital hindbrain malformations.
Ther Adv Respir Dis
Ju-Wang JD, Dempsey JC, Zhang C, Doherty D, Witmans M, Tablizo MA, Chen ML.
PMID: 39817683 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

The clinical presentation and genetic diagnosis of Tangier disease in the pediatric age group.
J Pediatr Endocrinol Metab
Öztürk S, Do, Kad, Güleç A, Soylu Üstkoyuncu P, Karda, Gümü, Per H.
PMID: 39817629 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

Quality of life assessment after minimally invasive operative treatment in children with pectus excavatum: A single-center study and literature review.
Adv Clin Exp Med
Kroczek KK, Sebastian J, Szymku, Pyskir M, Ga.
PMID: 39817572 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

Global trends and hotspots of type 2 diabetes in children and adolescents: A bibliometric study and visualization analysis.
World J Diabetes
Zhang FS, Li HJ, Yu X, Song YP, Ren YF, Qian XZ, Liu JL, Li WX, Huang YR, Gao K.
PMID: 39817223 [PubMed]

Six weeks that changed the preterm infant brain: lessons learned from the Family Nurture Intervention randomized controlled trials.
Front Psychol
Ludwig RJ, Myers MM, Welch MG.
PMID: 39817039 [PubMed]

A Predictive Model for Secondary Posttonsillectomy Hemorrhage in Pediatric Patients: An 8-Year Retrospective Study.
Laryngoscope Investig Otolaryngol
Ge Y, Chang W, Xie L, Gao Y, Xu Y, Zhu H.
PMID: 39816923 [PubMed]

Efficacy of psychomotor therapy for children and adolescents with anxiety disorders-a systematic literature review.
Front Child Adolesc Psychiatry
Vriend E, Moeijes J, Scheffers M.
PMID: 39816885 [PubMed]

Community health nurses' concerns about infant regulatory problems are predictive of mental disorders diagnosed at hospital: a prospective cohort study.
Front Child Adolesc Psychiatry
Pant SW, Holstein BE, Ammitzbøll J, Skovgaard AM, Pedersen TP.
PMID: 39816875 [PubMed]

Infant regulatory problems and the quality of dyadic emotional connection-a proof-of-concept study in a multilingual sample.
Front Child Adolesc Psychiatry
Jaekel J, Dathe AK, Brasseler M, Bialas J, Jokiranta-Olkoniemi E, Reimann M, Ludwig RJ, Hane AA, Welch MG, Huening BM.
PMID: 39816866 [PubMed]

Anomalous Aortic Origin of a Coronary Artery in Pediatric Patients.
Curr Pediatr Rep
Doan TT, Puelz C, Rusin C, Molossi S.
PMID: 39816672 [PubMed]

Helping parents to cope with infant regulatory disorders.
Front Child Adolesc Psychiatry
St James-Roberts I, Llewellyn C.
PMID: 39816610 [PubMed]

Mind-mindedness in mothers of infants with excessive crying/sleeping/eating disorders.
Front Child Adolesc Psychiatry
Licata-Dandel M, Kristen-Antonow S, Marx S, Mall V.
PMID: 39816608 [PubMed]

Parental use of routines, setting limits, and child screen use during COVID-19: findings from a large Canadian cohort study.
Front Child Adolesc Psychiatry
Lien A, Li X, Keown-Stoneman CDG, Cost KT, Vanderloo LM, Carsley S, Maguire J, Birken CS.
PMID: 39816602 [PubMed]

Translation, cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the universal Welch Emotional Connection Screen using primary and bilingual Spanish-speaking coders of videotaped mother-child interactions.
Front Child Adolesc Psychiatry
Hane AA, Ludwig RJ, Martinez AG, Masese C, Vanhatalo U, Goddard C, Jaffe ME, Myers MM, Welch MG.
PMID: 39816595 [PubMed]

Prediction of the severity of child abuse using nationwide survey data from Child Guidance Centers in Japan: focus on infancy and preschool age.
Front Child Adolesc Psychiatry
Ogai Y, Nakajima-Yamaguchi R, Ohashi H, Niwa K, Sakurayama T, Morita N.
PMID: 39816589 [PubMed]

Preschool mother-child emotional preparation program leads to significant improvement in autonomic regulation: a randomized controlled trial.
Front Child Adolesc Psychiatry
Welch MG, Ludwig RJ, Kong J, Rauh V, Hane AA, Jaffe M, Witkowski A, Myers MM.
PMID: 39816579 [PubMed]

Exit interviews from two randomised placebo-controlled phase 3 studies with caregivers of young children with autism spectrum disorder.
Front Child Adolesc Psychiatry
Hawken N, Falissard B, Choquet C, Francois C, Tardu J, Schmid R.
PMID: 39816573 [PubMed]

Prediction values of different lymph nodes staging systems for survival of children with Wilms tumor.
Transl Cancer Res
Chen S, Wan Z, Hu S, Bu W, Lu Y, Zhao Z.
PMID: 39816540 [PubMed]

Evaluation of Quality of Life and Psychosocial Status in Children with Inflammatory Bowel Disease.
Sisli Etfal Hastan Tip Bul
Dincer BT, Urganci N, Sen E, Usta AM.
PMID: 39816435 [PubMed]

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