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Longitudinal assessment of bone mineral density in prostate cancer patients: comparing metastatic and non-metastatic regions.
Int J Clin Oncol
Hara T, Nishimoto H, Terakawa T, Okamura Y, Bando Y, Ueki H, Suzuki K, Hyodo Y, Teishima J, Chiba K, Kuroda R, Miyake H.
PMID: 39918769 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

Immunotherapy of osteosarcoma based on immune microenvironment modulation.
Front Immunol
Lian H, Zhang J, Hou S, Ma S, Yu J, Zhao W, Zhao D, Zhang Z.
PMID: 39916962 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Ultrasound imaging of the perithyroid fascial space: a comparative analysis with anatomical correlations.
Sci Rep
Wei Y, Zhao ZL, Niu Y, Peng LL, Li Y, Yu MA.
PMID: 39915549 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

HSPG2 could promote normal haematopoiesis in acute myeloid leukaemia patients after complete remission by repairing bone marrow endothelial progenitor cells.
Clin Transl Med
Li CY, Wang ZK, Xing T, Shen MZ, Zhang XY, Chen DD, Wang Y, Jiang H, Jiang Q, Huang XJ, Kong Y.
PMID: 39914998 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Prognostic Modeling for Bone Sarcomas Based on a Large Prospective Cohort From a Tertiary Care Cancer Center in India.
JCO Glob Oncol
Bajpai J, Sarkar L, Rath S, Pawar A, Chandrashekharan A, Panda G, Jakar D, Ghosh J, Laskar S, Rekhi B, Khanna N, Jose J, Ramdawar M, Purandare N, Bhargava P, Chakrabarty N, Gala K, Kembhavi Y, Rangarajan V, Banavali S, Gupta S.
PMID: 39913876 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Body composition changes in pediatric patients with lymphoma after chemotherapy: a retrospective study.
Eur J Pediatr
Farache Tostes N, de Carvalho BP, Santana Aleixo IC, Souza NC, da Cunha Antunes Saraiva D, Brum Martucci R.
PMID: 39912930 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Prostate Cancer Bone Metastasis: Molecular Mechanisms of Tumor and Bone Microenvironment.
Cancer Manag Res
Jiang H.
PMID: 39912095 [PubMed]

Early Single-Stage Curettage and Autogenous Bone Grafting for Enchondroma in the Hand with Minimally Displaced Pathologic Fracture.
Clin Orthop Surg
Ha C, Oh CH, Kim S, Lee JS, Han SH.
PMID: 39912081 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Progress in immune microenvironment, immunotherapy and prognostic biomarkers in pediatric osteosarcoma.
Front Immunol
Zhang L, Jiang H, Ma H.
PMID: 39911380 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Risk factors for and incidence of osteoporosis in patients with breast cancer by gender : a nationwide cohort study.
Sci Rep
Lee JA, Lee HS, Jeon S, Kim D, Lee Y, Bae S, Park WC, Yoon CI.
PMID: 39910137 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Correlating postoperative muscle and long-term functional outcomes with intraoperative muscle motor evoked potential changes in patients with benign intramedullary spinal cord tumors.
Acta Neurochir (Wien)
Abraham AP, Francklin AB, Jayadeepan K, Rajshekhar V.
PMID: 39909949 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Sclerosing Odontogenic Carcinoma: A Unique Odontogenic Carcinoma with Metastatic Potential.
Head Neck Pathol
Malherbe T, Odendaal A, Hille J, van Rensburg LJ, Meyer M, Myburgh E, Afrogheh AH.
PMID: 39907861 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Challenges and Clinical Relevance in Diagnosing Metastatic Cells From Non-Hematopoietic Malignancies in Bone Marrow Aspirates.
Cancer Med
Kaspi E, Grosdidier C, Berda-Haddad Y, Arpin M, Cointe S, Fritz S, Bonifay A, Koubi M, Jiguet-Jiglaire C, Roll P, Frankel D.
PMID: 39907157 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Adulthood consequences of spinal deformity surgeries in neurofibromatosis type 1 patients.
BMC Musculoskelet Disord
Tsukamoto A, Uno K, Suzuki T, Ito M, Nakashima K, Kakutani K, Takeoka Y.
PMID: 39905398 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Predictive Factors for Failed Nonsurgical Management of Long Bone Metastasis and Myeloma.
J Am Acad Orthop Surg Glob Res Rev
Pei YA, Karnuta JM, Jones JA, Griffith B, Jia L, Behzad B, Weber KL, Cipriano CA.
PMID: 39899744 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Outcome prediction, quality of life, and life expectancy in metastatic spine tumors: WFNS spine committee recommendation.
Neurosurg Rev
Sharif S, Afsar A, Zileli M, Vaishya S, Gokaslan Z.
PMID: 39899191 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Enhancing U-Net-based Pseudo-CT generation from MRI using CT-guided bone segmentation for radiation treatment planning in head & neck cancer patients.
Phys Med Biol
Yawson AK, Sallem H, Seidensaal K, Welzel T, Klüter S, Paul K, Dorsch S, Beyer C, Debus J, Jaekel O, Bauer J, Giske K.
PMID: 39898433 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

Spinal Metastasis Pain Surveillance: A Comprehensive Imaging-Based Tool Design for Evaluating Metastatic Burden and Guiding Therapeutic Strategies.
Int J Med Sci
Kong S, Deng A, Guo Z, Ma L, Su X, Cui J, Ou Y, Liu J, Qin T, Fang Z.
PMID: 39898244 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

New insights into the mechanisms of the immune microenvironment and immunotherapy in osteosarcoma.
Front Immunol
Luo C, Min X, Zhang D.
PMID: 39896817 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Comprehensive evaluation of compound Kushen injection combined with zoledronic acid in treating bone metastasis cancer pain based on meta-analysis and decision tree model.
Front Pain Res (Lausanne)
Zhao X, Meng T, Wang K, Yan X, Liu Y, Li X.
PMID: 39896733 [PubMed]

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