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Use of ceramic synthetic allografts in spine surgery: a narrative review with early basic science and clinic data of novel nanosynthetic bone graft.
J Spine Surg
Antonacci CL, Davey AP, Kia C, Zhou H.
PMID: 39816764 [PubMed]

Patient-Specific Rods vs Traditional Rods in Surgical Correction of Adult Spinal Deformities: A Case-Matched Study.
Ann Ital Chir
Nasto LA, Paolicelli C, Sieczak A, Ulisse P, Cattolico A, Pola E.
PMID: 39815847 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Malnutrition in Spine Oncology: Where Are We and What Are We Measuring?
Global Spine J
De la Garza Ramos R, Charest-Morin R, Goodwin CR, Zuckerman SL, Laufer I, Dea N, Sahgal A, Rhines LD, Gokaslan ZL, Bettegowda C, Versteeg AL, Chen H, Cordula N, Sciubba DM, O'Toole JE, Fehlings MG, Kumar N, Disch AC, Stephens B, Goldschlager T, Weber MH, Shin JH, AO Spine Knowledge Forum Tumor.
PMID: 39815762 [PubMed]

Medium- to long-term functional outcomes of artcure diffusional patch therapy for lumbar disc herniation: which herniation is more likely to require surgery?
BMC Musculoskelet Disord
Çelen ZE, Hanege F, Sar, Özkurt B.
PMID: 39815280 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Machine learning analysis of cervical balance in early-onset scoliosis post-growing rod surgery: a case-control study.
Sci Rep
Han B, Hai JJ, Pan A, Wang Y, Hai Y.
PMID: 39814801 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Global research trends in biological therapy for ankylosing spondylitis: A comprehensive visualization and bibliometric study (2004-2023).
Hum Vaccin Immunother
He W, Yang H, Yang X, Huang J, Wu Z.
PMID: 39813123 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Comparison of anterior and posterior approaches for the treatment of cervical ossification of the posterior longitudinal ligament: a meta-analysis of 28 cohort studies.
Neurosurg Rev
Zhou B, Yang G, Tang S, Li Y, Cao Z, Tan J, Long Z, Luo M, Xiao Z.
PMID: 39812874 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Keyhole Fenestration for Cerebrospinal Fluid Leaks in the Thoracic Spine: Quantification of Bone Removal and Microsurgical Anatomy.
Oper Neurosurg (Hagerstown)
Volz F, Doria-Medina R, Fung C, Wolf K, El Rahal A, Lützen N, Urbach H, Loidl TB, Hubbe U, Klingler JH, Beck J.
PMID: 39812533 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Tunisian Good Clinical Practice Recommendations for the Management of Spondyloarthritis by Biological Agents.
Tunis Med
Tekaya R, Ben Tekaya A, Mahmoud I, Manaa M, Gharsallah I, Testouri N, Baccouche K, Zrour S, Maatallah K, Younès M, Hamdi W, Fazaa A, Miladi S, Laatar A, Kchir MM.
PMID: 39812193 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Tunisian recommendations of good practice for the therapeutic management of spondyloarthritis (excluding biological treatment).
Tunis Med
Laatar A, Miladi S, Fazaa A, Tekaya R, Ben Tekaya A, Manaa M, Gharsallah I, Testouri N, Baccouche K, Mahmoud I, Maatallah K, Younès M, Hamdi W, Zrour S, Kchir MM.
PMID: 39812192 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Tunisian recommendations for the diagnosis and evaluation of Spondyloarthritis.
Tunis Med
Hamdi W, Zrour S, Maatallah K, Younes M, Fazaa A, Miladi S, Laatar A, Ben Tekaya A, Tekaya R, Gharsallah I, Testouri N, Baccouche K, Mahmoud I, Manaa M, Kchir MM.
PMID: 39812191 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Tunisian Recommendations for Best Practices in the Management of Spondyloarthritis: Methodology.
Tunis Med
Baccouche K, Mahmoud I, Manaa M, Gharsallah I, Testouri N, Maatallah K, Younès M, Zrour S, Hamdi W, Miladi S, Laatar A, Fazaa A, BenTekaya A, Tekaya R, Kchir MM.
PMID: 39812190 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Identifying Predictors of Extended Intensive Care Unit Stay Following Posterior Spinal Fusion for Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis: An Analysis of 101 ACS NSQIP Pediatric Participating Centers.
Iowa Orthop J
Shah NV, Coste M, Kim NS, Kim DJ, Andrews C, Baum R, Friedman A, Smith K, Gedailovich S, Wolfert AJ, Dave AM, Challier V, Lafage R, Passias PG, Lafage V, Schwab FJ, Monsef JB, Paulino CB, Diebo BG.
PMID: 39811177 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

The Efficacy of Prophylactic Vancomycin in Decreasing Surgical Site Infections in Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis Patients: A Large Multicenter Cohort Study.
Iowa Orthop J
Zhang DA, Stephan SR, Cho RH, Luong M, Nigh ED, Spine S, Poon S.
PMID: 39811169 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

The Cost of Routine Clinic Visits Following Spinal Fusion for Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis.
Iowa Orthop J
Orness M, Dolan LA, Weinstein SL.
PMID: 39811168 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Did the Covid-19 Pandemic Impact Time to Surgery, Length of Hospital Stay, or Discharge Location for Subaxial Cervical Spine Fractures Requiring Surgical Intervention?
Iowa Orthop J
Lucasti C, Scott MM, Patel DV, Vallee EK, Graham BC, Clark L, Kowalski J.
PMID: 39811159 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Distribution of spinal damage in patients with axial spondyloarthritis as assessed by MRI: a prospective and blinded study.
Arthritis Res Ther
Haidmayer A, Adelsmayr G, Spreizer C, Klocker EV, Quehenberger F, Fuchsjaeger M, Thiel J, Hermann J.
PMID: 39810235 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Exploring strategies to enhance patient safety in spine surgery: a review.
Patient Saf Surg
Baradaran K, Gracia C, Alimohammadi E.
PMID: 39810234 [PubMed]

Non-traumatic lumbar spondylolysis with contralateral pedicle and lamina fracture: a case report and review of the literature.
BMC Musculoskelet Disord
Xie D, Zhao Q, Chen Q, Wu H, Ye C, Shi M, Niu B, Zhang Y, Zang Z, Yang L.
PMID: 39810096 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Effect of K-line (-) or (+) on surgical outcomes in cervical ossification of the posterior longitudinal ligament: A systematic and meta-analysis.
Medicine (Baltimore)
Wang Y, Chen X, Luo Y, Chen C, Cui R.
PMID: 39809181 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

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