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Nonobstructive gastroduodenal intussusception characterized by severe anemia: a case report.
J Int Med Res
Zhu B, Wang C, Fu J.
PMID: 39921406 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Diagnostic accuracy of quantitative faecal immunochemical test in symptomatic patients for the investigation of colorectal cancer once accounting for anaemia severity and iron deficiency.
Colorectal Dis
Lucocq J, Barron E, Holmes H, Donnelly PD, Cruickshank N.
PMID: 39920888 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

The distribution and spectrum of thalassemia variants in GUIYANG region, southern China.
Orphanet J Rare Dis
Zhao X, You Z, Deng Y, Zhou Y, Deng D, Quan J, Chen F, Yan Z, Qi Y, Chen L, Xiang F, Zheng W, Zhang R.
PMID: 39920831 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Recommendations for diagnosis and treatment of Atypical Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome (aHUS): an expert consensus statement from the Rare Diseases Committee of the Brazilian Society of Nephrology (COMDORA-SBN).
J Bras Nefrol
Vaisbich MH, Andrade LGM, Barbosa MINH, Castro MCR, Miranda SMC, Poli-de-Figueiredo CE, Araujo SA, Ernandes Neto M, Penido MGMG, Sobral RML, Ferra Neto O, Neves PDMM, Silva CABD, Barreto FC, Pietrobom IG, Palma LMP.
PMID: 39918340 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Platelet levels before and after iron replacement therapy in patients with iron deficiency anemia.
Talamo G, Oyeleye O, Paudel A, Tayyab H, Khan M, Meseeha MG, Bhatta G.
PMID: 39918288 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Parvovirus B19-Induced Pure Red Cell Aplasia Several Years After Kidney Transplantation and Following a Transition From Everolimus to Tacrolimus.
Exp Clin Transplant
Eleftheriadis T, Divani M, Leontaridis T, Poulianiti C, Polyzou-Konsta MA, Lykotsetas E, Stefanidis I.
PMID: 39918195 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

[Association between iron deficiency and risk of major events in chronic kidney disease].
Nephrol Ther
Choukroun G, Baghdadi Y, Rabiéga P, Cazaubon E, Maillet S, Frimat L, Stengel B.
PMID: 39917803 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Response to Immunosuppressive Therapy in Aplastic Anemia-A Single Centre, Prospective Study of 158 Patients from a Tertiary Care Centre in India.
Indian J Hematol Blood Transfus
Krishnan M, Amalnath D.
PMID: 39917506 [PubMed]

Erratum to "Artificial intelligence-enabled non-invasive ubiquitous anemia screening: The HEMO-AI pilot study on pediatric population".
Digit Health

PMID: 39917414 [PubMed]

Hepatic and renal functions of paediatric patients with thalassaemia: a cross-sectional study from two large thalassaemia centres in Sri Lanka.
BMJ Open
Wijenayake W, Thennakoon R, Pathiraja H, Bandara D, De Silva R, Premawardhena A, Fernando M, Mettananda S.
PMID: 39915018 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

A Novel Mouse Model to Study the Effects of New Therapies for Diamond Blackfan Anemia.
Blood Adv
Liu YL, Neoman N, Sakamoto KM.
PMID: 39913921 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

Conventional and complementary alternative medicine therapies for renal anemia: a literature review.
Front Endocrinol (Lausanne)
Lu CM, Hsu YH, Lin IH, Kuo KL, Liao JF, Huang HF, Lu PH.
PMID: 39911241 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Oral lactoferrin as a treatment of pediatrics' anemia resulted from chronic kidney diseases: a randomized controlled trial.
Sci Rep
Hegazy SK, Koura MSE, Elharoun MS.
PMID: 39910177 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Improved survival and enhanced quality of life through anaemia correction in lower risk myelodysplastic syndromes: meaningful insights from an EUMDS Registry study.
Lancet Haematol
Niscola P.
PMID: 39909660 [PubMed - in process]

Single dose intravenous iron versus oral iron for treatment of maternal iron deficiency anemia: A randomized clinical trial.
Am J Obstet Gynecol
Derman RJ, Bellad MB, Somannavar MS, Bhandari S, Mehta S, Mehta S, Sharma DK, Yogeshkumar S, Charantimath U, Patil AP, Mallapur AA, Ramadurg U, Sangavi R, Patil P, Roy S, Vastrad P, Shekhar C, Leiby B, Hartman R, Georgieff MK, Mennemeyer S, Aghai ZH, Thind S, Boelig RC, RAPIDIRON Trial Group (Appendix 2).
PMID: 39909327 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

Prevalence, influencing factors, and prediction model construction of anemia in ankylosing spondylitis based on real-world data: An exploratory study.
PLoS One
Gong Y, Yang K, Geng Z, Liu H.
PMID: 39908327 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Screening for sickle cell anemia in two populations of eastern Gabon using alkaline electrophoresis and hemoglobin level combined with leukocyte count.
Int J Hematol
Mombo LE, Moreau BD, Bisseye C, Mikelet Boussoukou IP, Mongo Delis A, Lendamba RW, Kassa Kassa RF, Iyedi Likouahan R.
PMID: 39907907 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

Anaemia predicts iron homoeostasis dysregulation and modulates the response to empagliflozin in heart failure with reduced ejection fraction: the EMPATROPISM-FE trial.
Eur Heart J
Angermann CE, Sehner S, Gerhardt LMS, Santos-Gallego CG, Requena-Ibanez JA, Zeller T, Maack C, Sanz J, Frantz S, Ertl G, Badimon JJ.
PMID: 39907687 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

Preoperative ANemiA among elderly undergoing Major Abdominal surgery (PANAMA) is associated with early postoperative morbidity and worse quality of life outcomes.
Sci Rep
Abdullah HR, Loh CJL, Kok EJY, Tan BPY, Kadir HA, Au-Yong PS.
PMID: 39905083 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Effect of Antenatal Monthly Sulfadoxine-Pyrimethamine, Alone or with Azithromycin, on Gestational Weight Gain and Anemia during Pregnancy and One Month Postpartum in Malawi: A Randomized Controlled Trial Secondary Analysis.
Am J Trop Med Hyg
Luntamo M, Hallamaa L, Kulmala T, Maleta K, Ashorn P.
PMID: 39903927 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

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