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EXPRESS: Depression and anxiety in Chinese patients hospitalized with primary headache: A cross-sectional multicenter study.
Mol Pain
Jia Z, Wan D, Yin Z, Fan Z, Xu P, Yuan X, Chen M, Wang D, Wang H, Wang S, Zhang S, Liu R, Wang X, Wang R, Su H, Han X, Yu Z, Li Y, Yu S, Dong Z.
PMID: 39921551 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

Cross-Lagged Associations Among Sleep, Headache, and Pain in Pediatric Mild Traumatic Brain Injury: An A-CAP Study.
J Head Trauma Rehabil
Dharsee S, Hassan A, Noel M, Bender AM, Beauchamp MH, Craig W, Doan Q, Freedman SB, Gravel J, Zemek R, Yeates KO, Pediatric Emergency Research Canada (PERC) A-CAP Study Team.
PMID: 39919247 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

Headaches attributed to cranial and cervical artery dissections.
J Headache Pain
Doukhi D, Debette S, Mawet J.
PMID: 39915731 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

How can you manage an indomethacin-responsive headache in someone who cannot take indomethacin?
Curr Opin Neurol
Osiowski A, Stolarz K, Taterra D.
PMID: 39911098 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

Are Clinical, Psychophysical or Psychological Variables Helpful for Discriminating Patients with tension type headache? A diagnostic accuracy study.
Pain Med
Cigarán-Mendez M, Pacho-Hernández JC, Tejera-Alonso A, Palacios-Fernández FG, Valera-Calero JA, Gómez C, Fernández-de-Las-Peñas C.
PMID: 39909498 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

Core Outcome Set Development for Tension-Type Headache Treatment Using Traditional Chinese Medicine: Protocol for a Delphi Consensus Study.
JMIR Res Protoc
Fu G, Chen Y, Liang X, Guo C, Fan X, Gong X, Chen W, Teng J, Tang J, Liao X, Wei J, Zhang Y.
PMID: 39909408 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Association of Race and Ethnicity With Emergency Room Rate of Migraine Diagnosis, Testing, and Management in Children With Headache.
Kellier D, Anto MM, Hall M, Marin J, Nash K, Wells EM, Abend NS, Hutchinson ML, Moharir M, Messer RD, Palaganas JL, Piantino J, Szperka C, Press C, as the Pediatric Neurohospitalist Work Group.
PMID: 39908468 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Molecular assessment of NMDAR subunits and neuronal apoptosis in the trigeminal ganglion in a model of male migraine-induced rats following Moringa oleifera alcoholic extract administration.
BMC Neurosci
Vafaeian A, Vafaei A, Parvizi MR, Chamanara M, Mehriardestani M, Hosseini Y.
PMID: 39905292 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Intracranial pressure monitoring in patients with spontaneous onset of orthostatic headache.
J Headache Pain
D'Antona L, Cheema S, Mehta D, Bremner F, Watkins LD, Toma AK, Matharu MS.
PMID: 39905291 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Evaluation of zonulin levels in patients with migraine.
BMC Neurol
Ülfer G, Polat B, Yabalak A, Çak.
PMID: 39905280 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Comment on "Comparative Study Between the Analgesic Effect of Prednisolone and Pregabalin in Managing Post Dural Puncture Headache after Lower-limb Surgeries".
Pain Physician
Wang Q, Zhu J, Ye L.
PMID: 39903034 [PubMed - in process]

Adjuvants to Conventional Management of Postdural Puncture Headache Following Obstetric Surgery Under Spinal Anesthesia: Mirtazapine vs. Sumatriptan.
Pain Physician
Ashoor TM, Abd ElKader AM, Gadalla RR, Esmat IM, Hasseb AM.
PMID: 39903014 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Epidemiology of clinically significant migraine in Israel: a retrospective database study.
J Headache Pain
Shifrin A, Domany E, Tirosh M, Davidovici D, Vinker S, Forschner I, Israel A.
PMID: 39901126 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Exploring the association between statins use or HMG-CoA reductase inhibition and migraine: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
J Headache Pain
Makhlouf HA, Hassan AK, Almosilhy NA, Osman ASA, Ramadan S, Abouelmagd ME.
PMID: 39901103 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Shift from chronic to episodic migraine frequency in a long-term phase 3 study of galcanezumab.
J Headache Pain
Diener HC, Day KA, Lipsius S, Aurora SK, Hindiyeh NA, Detke HC.
PMID: 39901101 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Investigating risk factors for migraine in Syrian women: a cross-sectional case-control study.
Sci Rep
Martini N, Hawa T, Almouallem MM, Hanna M, Almasri IA, Hamzeh G.
PMID: 39900976 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Comparative Effectiveness of Pharmacologic Treatments for the Prevention of Episodic Migraine Headache: A Systematic Review and Network Meta-analysis for the American College of Physicians.
Ann Intern Med
Damen JAA, Yang B, Idema DL, Vernooij RWM, Huis In 't Veld L, Kusters M, Spijker R, van der Braak K, Heus P, Jenniskens K, Hooft L.
PMID: 39899873 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

Patients' Values and Preferences Regarding Pharmacologic Treatments for the Prevention of Episodic Migraine Headache : A Systematic Review for the American College of Physicians.
Ann Intern Med
Yang B, Vernooij RWM, Idema DL, Huis In 't Veld L, Kusters MPT, Spijker R, van der Braak K, Heus P, Jenniskens K, Hooft L, Damen JAA.
PMID: 39899870 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

Risk of Attempted and Completed Suicide in Persons Diagnosed With Headache.
JAMA Neurol
Elser H, Farkas DK, Fuglsang CH, Sørensen ST, Sørensen HT.
PMID: 39899309 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

Cross-sectional and comparative study of comprehensive neuropsychological profiles in headache using the AIIMS comprehensive neuropsychological battery.
Ind Psychiatry J
Ghosh A, Sharma A, Bhattacharyya M.
PMID: 39898094 [PubMed]

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