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Endocervical adenocarcinomas and HPV genotyping in an HIV endemic milieu - a retrospective study.
BMC Womens Health
Lovane L, Larsson GL, Tulsidás S, Carrilho C, Andersson S, Karlsson C.
PMID: 39815240 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Indicators associated with severity and mortality in hospitalized people with HIV: A retrospective cohort.
Rev Bras Enferm
Ziani JDS, Härter J, Monteiro FL, Dalcin CB, Padoin SMM, Primeira MR, Corcini LMCDS, Zamberlan C.
PMID: 39813525 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Access of transgender people and transvestites to pre-exposure prophylaxis for HIV in Brazil: a descriptive study, 2018-2023.
Epidemiol Serv Saude
Silva APMD, Pereira IO, Alencar TMD, Kamiensky BB, Moura MCM, França FÁP, Morelli TC, Pascom ARP.
PMID: 39813452 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

HIV prevention among adolescents travestis and transgender women in three Brazilian capitals, 2019-2023.
Epidemiol Serv Saude
Leite BO, Magno L, Greco D, Grangeiro A, Dourado I.
PMID: 39813451 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

HIV Prevention in Syringe Service Programs Since the Start of COVID-19: Where Do We Go From Here?
Hatch MA, Ertl M, Closs D, Keeshin S, Feinberg J, Orozco K, Tross S.
PMID: 39812953 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Long-Term Clinical Outcomes After Autologous Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation in 49 Individuals Living With HIV (PLWH) and Affected by High-Risk or Relapsed Lymphoma: A European Experience of Continued Relevance for PLWH.
J Med Virol
Zanet E, Taborelli M, Tirelli U, Diez-Martin J, Balsalobre P, Re A, Rupolo M, Mazzucato M, Cwynarski K, Gomez MRV, Guillerm G, Serraino D, Ciancia R, Chirumbolo S, Carbone A, Michieli M.
PMID: 39810706 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Awareness of Sexual Partner's HIV Status Among Men Who Have Sex With Men in China: Cross-Sec. tional Survey Study.
JMIR Public Health Surveill
Ma Q, Jiang T, Chen W, Jiang S, Zheng J, Wang H, He L.
PMID: 39810334 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Predictors of HIV testing adherence among men who have sex with men: a cross-sectional study.
BMC Public Health
Sousa LRM, de Carvalho RAG, de Macêdo Rocha D, Antonini M, de Carvalho Filho MJ, Wiklander M, Gir E, Reis RK.
PMID: 39810161 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

95-95-95 HIV indicators among children younger than 15 years in South Africa: results from the 2017 national HIV prevalence, incidence, behaviour, and communication survey.
AIDS Res Ther
Magobo RE, Mabaso M, Jooste S, Molopa L, Naidoo I, Simbayi L, Zuma K, Zungu N, Shisana O, Moyo S.
PMID: 39810159 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Disparities in dolutegravir utilisation in children, adolescents and young adults (0-24 years) living with HIV. An analysis of the IeDEA Pediatric West African cohort.
BMJ Glob Health
Desmonde S, Dame J, Malateste K, David A, Amorissani-Folquet M, N'Gbeche S, Sylla M, Takassi E, Eboua FT, Kouakou K, Bagnan Tossa L, Yonaba C, Leroy V, IeDEA Pediatric West African cohort.
PMID: 39809526 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Acceptability of a dapivirine levonorgestrel vaginal ring in two Phase 1 trials (MTN-030/IPM 041 and MTN-044/IPM 053/CCN019): Implications for multipurpose prevention technology development.
PLoS One
Friedland BA, Gundacker H, Achilles SL, Chen BA, Hoesley C, Richardson BA, Kelly CW, Piper J, Johnson S, Devlin B, Steytler J, Kleinbeck K, Dangi B, Friend C, Song M, Mensch B, van der Straten A, Jacobson C, Hendrix CW, Brown J, Blithe D, Hiller SL, MTN-030/IPM 041 and MTN-044/IPM 053/CCN019 Protocol Teams for the Microbicide Trials Network and the Contraceptive Clinical Trials Network.
PMID: 39808648 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

PrEP Use in a US National Sample of Trans Men and Other Transmasculine People Who Have Sex With Men: A Longitudinal Analysis.
J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr
Carneiro PB, Radix AE, Golub S, Grosskopf N, Grov C.
PMID: 39808073 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

New recommendations of Spanish Society of Emergency Medicine (SEMES) for emergency department diagnosis of HIV infection based on results from Spain's "Leave Your Mark" program.
González Del Castillo J, Llorens P, Trenc P, Piedrafita L, Cabrera N, Abellas C, Ángel Ramiro M, Pérez Elías MJ, Moreno S, García F, Javier Candel F, Vázquez Lima MJ, Miró Ò, Red VIH de Urgencias.
PMID: 39807550 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Cohort profile: the potentially preventable burden of community-acquired pneumonia in South African adults in the era of widespread PCV13 immunisation and antiretroviral therapy roll-out, before and during the COVID-19 pandemic - the multicentre, multimethod PotPrev Study.
BMJ Open
Nabeemeeah F, Sabet N, Otwombe K, Hlongwane K, Mlambo LM, Moloantoa T, Wong M, Mangena P, Abraham P, Swanepoel F, Moosa F, von Gottberg A, Cohen C, Southern J, Fletcher M, Dunne E, Ndungane-Tlakula B, Begier E, Gray S, Gessner BD, Naidoo J, Milovanovic M, Variava E, Martinson N.
PMID: 39806691 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Mental health interventions for adolescents living with HIV/AIDS in sub-Saharan Africa: protocol for a systematic review.
BMJ Open
Boakye DS, Xatse E, Akorli VV, Adjorlolo PK, Battanis YY, Frempong AB, Ocansey LK, Yeboah C, Adjorlolo S.
PMID: 39806678 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Uptake of HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis and contraception in South African hair salons: a study protocol for a pilot cluster randomised controlled trial.
BMJ Open
Govere SM, Jarolimova J, Yan J, Shezi S, Ngcobo LM, Sagar S, Zionts D, Dube N, Parker RA, Psaros C, Bassett I.
PMID: 39806604 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Compliance with maternal HIV retesting for pregnant women attending care in selected health facilities in Namutumba district, Uganda.
BMC Health Serv Res
Malende S, Buzigi E, Bayiga E.
PMID: 39806428 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Determinants of continuation on HIV pre-exposure propylaxis among female sex workers at a referral hospital in Uganda: a mixed methods study using COM-B model.
BMC Public Health
Kawuma S, Katwesigye R, Walusaga H, Akatukunda P, Nangendo J, Kabugo C, Kamya MR, Semitala FC.
PMID: 39806342 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Enhancing HIV Cognitive Abilities and Self-Management Through Information Technology-Assisted Interventions: Scoping Review.
J Med Internet Res
Huang H, Xie M, Yang Z, Wang A.
PMID: 39805101 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Studying the Digital Intervention Engagement-Mediated Relationship Between Intrapersonal Measures and Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis Adherence in Sexual and Gender Minority Youth: Secondary Analysis of a Randomized Controlled Trial.
J Med Internet Res
Williams MP, Manjourides J, Smith LH, Rainer CB, Hightow-Weidman LB, Haley DF.
PMID: 39804696 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

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