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Core Mental Health Clinician Capacity and Use Rates in the US Military.
JAMA Netw Open
Shen YC, Heissel J, Bacolod M.
PMID: 39292458 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Factors associated with dental students' mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic: a longitudinal study.
Braz Oral Res
Silva AND, Vettore MV.
PMID: 39292128 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Cancer diagnosis in the post-coronavirus disease era: correspondence.
Rev Assoc Med Bras (1992)
Daungsupawong H, Wiwanitkit V.
PMID: 39292096 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Telomere length in subjects with and without SARS-CoV-2 infection: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
Rev Assoc Med Bras (1992)
Pérez-López FR, Fernández-Alonso AM, Ulloque-Badaracco JR, Benites-Zapata VA, Varikasuvu SR.
PMID: 39292074 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on malnutrition in socially vulnerable children in Brazil.
Cien Saude Colet
Rodrigues ESM, Costa EM, Sousa FS, Araújo FBP, Lopes MBS, Thomaz EBAF.
PMID: 39292037 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Influence of changes in occupational status during the COVID-19 pandemic on suicidal narrative, suicide crisis syndrome, and suicidal ideation in Brazil.
Cien Saude Colet
Peper-Nascimento J, Rogers ML, Madeira K, Keller GS, Richards JA, Ceretta LB, Quevedo J, Galynker I, Valvassori SS.
PMID: 39292030 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Post-Coronavirus Disease Autoimmunity-associated Morvan's Syndrome.
J Assoc Physicians India
Dessai R, Chawla K, Gulati S, Tomar LR, Jain K, Yalamanchili SS.
PMID: 39291533 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Rhabdomyolysis in a Case of Mild Coronavirus Disease 2019 and β-Thalassemia Minor.
J Assoc Physicians India
Sripathy M, Mishra N, Patil A, Siddini V.
PMID: 39291527 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Design Criteria of Shelter Hospitals in Response to Biological Accidents: A Systematic Review.
Disaster Med Public Health Prep
Moradi M, Sharififar S, Zareiyan A, Hoseyni Shokuh SJ, Nasiri A.
PMID: 39291335 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Decision Making in a Strategic Medical Command and Control Team During the Covid-19 Pandemic: A Case Study.
Disaster Med Public Health Prep
Pettersson J, Prytz E, Friberg M, Björnqvist A, Berggren P, Frisk J, Jonson CO.
PMID: 39291321 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Integrative study of chicken lung transcriptome to understand the host immune response during Newcastle disease virus challenge.
Front Cell Infect Microbiol
Vanamamalai VK, Priyanka E, Kannaki TR, Sharma S.
PMID: 39290979 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Evaluating TRAIL and IP-10 alterations in vaccinated pregnant women after COVID-19 diagnosis and their correlation with neutralizing antibodies.
Front Immunol
Chen WC, Hu SY, Cheng CM, Shen CF, Chuang HY, Ker CR, Sun DJ, Shen CJ.
PMID: 39290698 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Specific persistent symptoms of COVID-19 and associations with reinfection: a community-based survey study in southern China.
Front Public Health
Liu D, Chen B, Liao X, Zhang Z, Wei S, Han X, Xu Y.
PMID: 39290408 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Long COVID or Post-Acute Sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 Infection (PASC) and the Urgent Need to Identify Diagnostic Biomarkers and Risk Factors.
Med Sci Monit
Parums DV.
PMID: 39289865 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Fungi identified via next-generation sequencing in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid among patients with COVID-19: a retrospective study.
Eur J Med Res
Yang X, Gao X, Zhang H, Xu J, Shang Y.
PMID: 39289769 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic to strengthen NCD care and policy in humanitarian settings: a mixed methods study exploring humanitarian actors' experiences.
BMC Health Serv Res
Ansbro É, Heller O, Vijayasingham L, Favas C, Rintjema J, Chase-Vilchez A, Stein C, Issa R, Sanga L, Murphy A, Perel P.
PMID: 39289744 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

A summer course in cancer for high school students-an update on lessons taught and lessons learned.
BMC Med Educ
Solone XK, Chitre S, Font LF, Pereira KNE, Stofer K, Siemann DW.
PMID: 39289691 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Mortality and functional outcomes 18 months after hospitalization for COVID-19 in geriatric patients: a multicentric cohort study.
BMC Geriatr
Claes M, Genet B, Rouet A, Boutitie L, Parramore P, Hardy É, Thomas C, Zerah L, Vallet H.
PMID: 39289641 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Effectiveness of inactivated COVID-19 vaccines in preventing COVID-19-related hospitalization during the Omicron BF.7-predominant epidemic wave in Beijing, China: a cohort study.
BMC Infect Dis
Zhao D, Sun Y, Li J, Li X, Ma Y, Cao Z, Zhang J, Ma J, Li J, Wang Q, Suo L, Zhang D, Yang P.
PMID: 39289630 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Safety of remdesivir in the treatment of acute SARS-CoV-2 infection in pediatric patients.
BMC Infect Dis
Player B, Huppler AR, Pan AY, Liegl M, Havens PL, Ray K, Mitchell M, Graff K.
PMID: 39289614 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

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