Simplified, time-saving search in the Medline database thanks to pre-defined search strategies with a clinical focus.
Easy and understandable structure according to medical fields and clinical pictures.
Literature selection
The pre-defined search strategies are planned in such a way as to seek out primarily clinical studies or literature in line with the practice. Moreover, the cognitions and methods of evidence-based medicine were used to define the search strategies.
Medical fields The medical fields can be called up on the left by a single click. Each medical field is subdivided into the most frequent and most important clinical pictures.
With the filters on the right-hand side, can be focused on important topics such as diagnostics, therapy, prevention, epidemiology, prognosis or surgery. A time frame is also available to limit the search to the most recent studies.
Search Type the search words in the search window and then search either in a preselected medical field or in the entire database. With the Advanced Search, you can select additional search criteria and fine-tune your search.
Where the full text of an abstract is available online, an appropriate link is inserted at the end of the abstract. With, you can also select individual abstracts and order them on-line from a university library.